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Vibrating Pendulum Lab: EGR244

In the 2nd lab in my EGR244 Engineering Dynamics class, we examined several systems which involved vibrating pendulums. This required two Python scripts to analyze equations of motion and an in-depth lab report to examine our findings.

Python Scripts

This lab's goal was to examine the vibratory motion of three different types of linearly oscillating pendulums: a damped free system, a damped spring system, and a damped driven spring system. After recording data for each system using an ultrasonic sensor, the experimental damped frequencies and natural frequencies were determined using Python scripts that examined their equations of motion. The first script takes data from the ultrasonic sensor, plots angular displacement vs. time, then finds the damping coefficient based on the graphs' peak locations. The second Python script conducts a Fourier fast transform in order to find the resonance frequency. Both scripts can be found on my github page here.


Full Lab Report

The following lab report analyzes all data sets and the results from the Python scripts.

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